Dr. Tiffany Fairey

Dr. Tiffany Fairey is a Research Associate in the Department of War Studies at King’s College London. She has worked for 20 years with participatory arts and media as a researcher, practitioner, and educator. Founder and director (1999-2009) of PhotoVoice, she has been involved in more than 40 participatory photography and digital media projects with communities and partners in the UK and internationally.
Her research is concerned with the ethics and impact of participatory visual work and arts-based interventions and research. Since 2017 Fairey has worked as a Research Associate on the AHRC / GCRF funded, ‘Art & Reconciliation’, exploring the role of the arts and artists in reconciliation processes. Fairey holds a PhD in Visual Sociology (2015, Goldsmiths College), a post-graduate diploma in Community Arts (Goldsmiths College) and an MA in Social Anthropology (Edinburgh University). She lived in Latin America for 9 years. Her work has been recognized with various awards including the Royal Photographic Society’s Hood Medal for outstanding advance in photography for public service (2010).
Publications: https://kingscollegelondon.academia.edu/TiffanyFairey