2022 Local Peacebuilder Award

The Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC), and its founder and president Velma Šarić, were awarded the first “Local Peacebuilder” award on January 27, 2022 in Washington, D.C. and once again recognized as the leading organization in Bosnia and Herzegovina for building sustainable peace, preventing violent conflict, and promoting human rights.
The award was presented by the Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP), a leading non-partisan global network of more than 150 members working in 181 countries to end and prevent violent conflict and build sustainable peace.
Liz Hume, AfP’s Executive Director, said that Velma Šarić and PCRC are an amazing example of locally-led peacebuilding organizations that understand the local conflict dynamics and can effectively address them through storytelling and education.
“Although BiH has avoided full-scale war since 1995, in 2021, the country was again experiencing an ethnic crisis, and Velma and PCRC’s work is instrumental to prevent and reduce this crisis and build long-term peace in BiH at all levels of society. They were also critical in assisting us to understand the conflict dynamics and how to help at the international level,” Hume said.