In January 2024, our team coordinated a student visit from New York University, Abu Dhabi Campus. We organized a large number of activities and visits for the students to help them understand the transitional justice and peacebuilding processes in BiH.
Part of those activities were sessions with civil society, including professor Dino Abazović (University of Sarajevo), Srebrenica Memorial Center team, dr Paul Lowe (London College of Communication), Samra Čardaković (Trial International), Abrašević Cultural center team, War Childhood Museum and Ex-Yu Rock Center.
In addition to these sessions, students were introduced to the work of our center by Velma Šarić and Tatjana Milovanović, including our Ordinary Heroes and Unprotected documentaries. We discussed the importance of multimedia approaches in building peace and preventing conflict, as well as our successful practices for youth empowerment.