In January 2022, our team coordinated a student visit from Elon University, North Carolina. We organized a large number of activities and visits for the students to help them understand the transitional justice and peacebuilding processes in BiH.
Part of those activities were sessions with civil society. We engaged with Ajna Jusić (Zaboravljena djeca rata / Forgotten Children of War Association), Amina Hujdur (TRIAL u Bosni i Hercegovini), Aida Feraget (Udruženje Tranzicijska pravda, odgovornost i sjećanje u BiH), and Edvin Ćudić (UDIK) on historical reconciliation and rights of survivors and with Emina Bošnjak (Sarajevski otvoreni centar), Zarja Marković (Humanity in Action Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Anida Sokol (Mediacentar Sarajevo) on topics of media freedom and expression, LGBT+ rights, and the role of youth.
In addition to these sessions, students were introduced to the work of our center, including our #OrdinaryHeroes program and documentary series. We discussed the importance of multimedia approaches in building peace and preventing conflict, as well as our successful practices for youth empowerment.