Under the command of Nazi Germany and its allies, 82% of the Jewish population died in the Holocaust in the former Yugoslavia. Entire families were killed and many Jewish communities disappeared.
To highlight the importance of preventing such crimes in the future, PCRCBiH, Educators Institute for Human Rights, Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst, the Association Haggadah Sarajevo, and the Bosnian Cultural Center marked the International Holocaust Remembrance Day and the 80th anniversary of the Wannsee Conference with a special program in Sarajevo today.
The program included the launching of the ”Holocaust & Peace – Lessons from the Past for the Future” pedagogical manual and the opening of the ”Wannsee Conference and the Final Solution to the Jewish Question” exhibition.
The pedagogical manual “Holocaust & Peace – Lessons from the past for the future” was created by teachers and professors throughout BiH with the purpose to contribute to building tolerant relations toward ”others” and minorities in school systems in BiH and the region. Photography exhibition “Wannsee Conference and the Final Solution to the Jewish Question” is the work of Eli Tauber, Advisor for Culture and Religion to the Jewish Community in BiH, and was developed to remind us of the scale of the Nazi destruction of Jews across Europe.
A special thank you goes to the Mayor of Sarajevo Benjamina Karić rođ. Londrc (Grad Sarajevo – City Of Sarajevo ), the Head of the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kathleen Kavalec, our co-authors Amina Kaknjo, Alma Žero, and Milica Jošić Milinović, and the citizens of Sarajevo for their participation and support.