What is your lived experience of Bosnia and Herzegovina? And how would you map that? This workshop questions the very act of cartography and aims for more multi-vocal and pluri-diverse representations of a place.
During a two-day collaborative process we aim to map the region from the perspective of the participants of the workshop. From their habits to daily routes, from mobility to social fabrics; from beauty to fears; what are the issues at stake and which perspectives need more attention?
This collaborative project in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) combines participatory action research with arts- based methods in the geo-humanities to implement, analyze and assess co-existence and reconciliation efforts in a deeply divided society. The programme offers a critical and joyful context for reflecting on and experimenting with forms of counter-mapping, non- linear storytelling and different methods of bringing a place in perspective. Sessions (in English language) will take place at PCRC’s Office (Pruščakova 21, Sarajevo) on May 26 and 27 (10 AM – 5 PM) during which we will capture social and urban phenomena, draw maps and design alternative flags. With all contributions together, the Subjective Atlas will be published in 2024 by Subjective Editions and PCRC and distributed locally and internationally.
Session is open to all interested citizens, and you can join us by registering at https://forms.gle/7YKwA2FdHngyo4wZA.