In the news
Featured articles
Ban Ki-Moon Hands in the Intercultural Innovation Award to the PCRC Sarajevo
Women’s Leadership to Advance Economic and Social Change
PCRC influences the formal education system in BiH
‘Angelina Jolie touched our souls’ – Bosnia’s rape victims have their say
Bosnian Serb leader stays defiant, souring the separatist mood
Rebuilding Ukraine: Some lessons from Bosnia
Overcoming Together the Horrors of War: Experience of Post-Yugoslav Countries and Ukraine
Snaga naših uvjerenja nije dokaz njihove čestitosti. Fanatizam.
Peace is possible: The role of strategic narratives in peacebuilding
PCRC influences the formal education system in BiH
Mapping Commemorative Cultures, Best Practices and Lessons Learned
Tanya Domi & Hikmet Karčić: We Need a Better Way to Prosecute Sexual Assault in Conflict
Velma Šarić and the Bosnian Peace Organization Win International Peacebuilding Award
Holocaust & Peace – Lessons from the past for the future
Tatjana Milovanović: Peace at Risk in Bosnia Podcast
Tanya Domi & Velma Šarić: Peace: We build it! podcast
Sabina Čehajić-Clancy: Psihologija (masovnih) zločina i međugrupnog pomirenja
Tanya Domi: Biden će sanckionisati Dodika i vratiti bonske ovlasti!
Proces tranzicijske pravde, iako prisutan, i dalje usporen te gotovo nedostižan.
What Works? Creative Approaches to Transitional Justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Šarić u rubrici Press: Dogovor lidera nije donio ništa novo
Holandija djelimično odgovorna za smrt Srebreničana
‘Bosnia is far from achieving reconciliation’
Velma Šarić: Zadnja faza genocida i jeste poricanje
Zamagljivanje prošlosti – zajednički interes političke elite i ratnih profitera
War-torn Sarajevo’s camera kids, then and now – a photo essay
Keeping the Promise: Addressing Impunity in the Western Balkans
Post-Conflict Research Center and Velma Saric recognized as Global Peace Ambassadors
Bosnia and Herzegovina: division through education
Falsa idolatría: Para la Justicia son criminales de guerra pero la gente los considera heroes
Kako raditi na pomirenju kad djeca u školama ne uče o ratu
Words as weapons: Information activists in Eastern Europe
Na izložbi ‘Tranzicije’ i slike fotoreportera RSE
Uncovering BiH – an Internship Story
Poražavajuće – Negiranje genocida bez kazne, zločinci na listama
One Million Bones: The Road to Srebrenica, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Challenging the Mainstream: Velma Šarić of Balkan Diskurs
Sarajevo: Drugi WARM Festival o savremenim konfliktima
Šarić: Sve strane patile u BiH, bitan je pozitivan dijalog
‘Obični heroji’ za mlade iz trideset zemalja
One Million Bones project to Srebrenica
Međunarodni protokol o dokumentovanju i istraživanju slučajeva seksualnog nasilja u konfliktu
Ban Ki-Moon Hands in the Intercultural Innovation Award to the PCRC Sarajevo
Angelina Jolie Film Recalls Bosnian War Horrors