In the news
Featured articles
Ban Ki-Moon Hands in the Intercultural Innovation Award to the PCRC Sarajevo
Women’s Leadership to Advance Economic and Social Change
‘Angelina Jolie touched our souls’ – Bosnia’s rape victims have their say
Rebuilding Ukraine: Some lessons from Bosnia
Overcoming Together the Horrors of War: Experience of Post-Yugoslav Countries and Ukraine
Snaga naših uvjerenja nije dokaz njihove čestitosti. Fanatizam.
Peace is possible: The role of strategic narratives in peacebuilding
PCRC influences the formal education system in BiH
Mapping Commemorative Cultures, Best Practices and Lessons Learned
Tanya Domi & Hikmet Karčić: We Need a Better Way to Prosecute Sexual Assault in Conflict
Velma Šarić and the Bosnian Peace Organization Win International Peacebuilding Award
Holocaust & Peace – Lessons from the past for the future
Tatjana Milovanović: Peace at Risk in Bosnia Podcast
Tanya Domi & Velma Šarić: Peace: We build it! podcast
Sabina Čehajić-Clancy: Psihologija (masovnih) zločina i međugrupnog pomirenja
Tanya Domi: Biden će sanckionisati Dodika i vratiti bonske ovlasti!
Proces tranzicijske pravde, iako prisutan, i dalje usporen te gotovo nedostižan.
What Works? Creative Approaches to Transitional Justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Šarić u rubrici Press: Dogovor lidera nije donio ništa novo
Holandija djelimično odgovorna za smrt Srebreničana
‘Bosnia is far from achieving reconciliation’
Velma Šarić: Zadnja faza genocida i jeste poricanje
Lesli Vudvard: Obični heroji jači od nacionalizma i ekstremizma
The Hour of Women | Visions for a better world
Zamagljivanje prošlosti – zajednički interes političke elite i ratnih profitera
War-torn Sarajevo’s camera kids, then and now – a photo essay
Keeping the Promise: Addressing Impunity in the Western Balkans
Post-Conflict Research Center and Velma Saric recognized as Global Peace Ambassadors
Bosnia and Herzegovina: division through education
Falsa idolatría: Para la Justicia son criminales de guerra pero la gente los considera heroes
Kako raditi na pomirenju kad djeca u školama ne uče o ratu
Words as weapons: Information activists in Eastern Europe
Na izložbi ‘Tranzicije’ i slike fotoreportera RSE
Uncovering BiH – an Internship Story
Poražavajuće – Negiranje genocida bez kazne, zločinci na listama
One Million Bones: The Road to Srebrenica, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Challenging the Mainstream: Velma Šarić of Balkan Diskurs
Sarajevo: Drugi WARM Festival o savremenim konfliktima
Šarić: Sve strane patile u BiH, bitan je pozitivan dijalog
‘Obični heroji’ za mlade iz trideset zemalja
One Million Bones project to Srebrenica
Međunarodni protokol o dokumentovanju i istraživanju slučajeva seksualnog nasilja u konfliktu
Ban Ki-Moon Hands in the Intercultural Innovation Award to the PCRC Sarajevo
PCRC: Prevencija i odgovaranje na genocid i masovne zločine
Angelina Jolie Film Recalls Bosnian War Horrors