Zones of Conflict, Zones of Peace

Date of implementation: June 2010
Every year, Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar offers a co-curricular program in the spring semester entitled Zones of Conflict, Zones of Peace. The course focuses on conflict management and conflict resolution and the accompanying processes. 30 students are chosen each year for the program, and students are selected for two different trips to conflict sites at different stages of resolution. In June 2010, twelve students from the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar returned from an 8 day trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina, as part of their participation in the school’s Zones of Conflict, Zones of Peace program (ZCZP). During the trip, students met with representatives from government, academia and non-governmental organizations in the country in order to gain a better understanding of the legacy of the Bosnian War and the current political stalemate. During this trip, students traveled to different parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, including Sarajevo, Srebrenica, Tuzla and Brcko.