Dr. Dinka Čorkalo Biruški

Dr. Dinka Čorkalo Biruški is an Associate Professor and head of the Postgraduate Program in Psychology at the Department of Psychology, University of Zagreb in Croatia. Čorkalo Biruški works in the Society for Psychological Assistance and her research interests lie in the area of ethnic identity and inter-group relations, with emphasis on divided communities. She has been investigating issues of ethnic/national identity and nationalism, the role of social context in trauma recovery and reconciliation, and post-war social reconstruction processes in divided communities. From 2003-2004, Dr. Čorkalo Biruški was a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, where she was doing a research comparing the nature of patriotic and nationalistic identifications among American and Croatian students. She received the annual National Scientific Award for the contribution to the understanding of social reconstruction processes in communities affected by the war trauma.