
Tanya Domi is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University and a faculty affiliate of the Harriman Institute where she teaches human rights and international affairs in the Western Balkans. Prior to joining the faculty in 2008, Domi worked for the late Congressman Frank X. McCloskey, serving as his defense policy analyst in the early 1990s during the run-up to the Bosnian war. Domi served in the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina 1996-2000 as Spokesperson, Counselor to the Head of Mission and Chair of the OSCE Media Experts Commission. Domi has worked in a dozen countries, including Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia in the Balkans. The focus of her work has been democratic, economic, media and political transitional development, as well as human rights and gender/sexual identity issues. Domi is a widely published author and is currently writing a book on the LGBTI human rights movement in the Western Balkans.