As PCRC interns, we participated in a thought-provoking workshop on domestic violence, led by Ainav Rabinowitz, a Fulbright Research Scholar. Ainav’s work explores the link between domestic violence (DV) and political system, a perspective that’s...
On the 9th of October, we had the privilege of touring the Srebrenica Memorial Centre and Cemetary where we were not only able to further educate ourselves on the Srebrenica genocide, but also hear a second-hand account from a son of one of the...
During the RESOLVE: Network Conference 2024 from September 17th to the 19th, organised by the NGO Asfar, we had the privilege of hearing from local and international leaders of peacebuilding and youth engagement. The first day welcomed the topic of...
What is your lived experience of Bosnia and Herzegovina? And how would you map that? This workshop questions the very act of cartography and aims for more multi-vocal and pluri-diverse representations of a place. During a two-day collaborative...
Authors: Molly Munro and Sergi Cuadra Dominguez This spring in Sarajevo, the five of us learned so much about post-conflict peace, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and the wonderful people who live here. The first highlight of the internship was...
Written by Alice Cazzoli The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), courts in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and other courts in the Balkan region have made towards holding war criminals accountable, which is crucial for...
As a way to recognize the exceptional bravery and moral courage of people who actively work to promote the values of justice, peace, and reconciliation, PCRC has established the Ordinary Heroes Recognition. The Recognition stems from our Ordinary...