Intercultural Achievement Award

The Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs awarded PCRC the prestigious Intercultural Achievement Recognition Award (IAA) for our pan-ethnic online multimedia outlet, Balkan Diskurs. The award is designed to recognize projects, in Austria and around the globe, that make use of opportunities within intercultural life, explore new avenues within intercultural dialogue, and promote intercultural dialogue through media presence. In the words of Austria’s Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina, his Excellence Martin Pammer, “Balkan Diskurs was designed as a key project of intercultural dialogue” and was “selected because it pursues the remarkable objective of inclusion and intercultural dialogue.” Ambassador Pammer presented the award to PCRC at a public ceremony at the Austrian Embassy here in Sarajevo, with Balkan Diskurs youth correspondents, creative collaborators, members of Sarajevo’s local and international community, and other stakeholders in attendance.