It is our pleasure to invite you to join our President Velma Saric, Alicia Kearns MP (UK Parliament), and Luc Dockendorf (Focal Point for the Responsibility to Protect for Luxembourg) in conversation on ‘’How can European states integrate commitments to the Responsibility to Protect in national policy?’’, on June 10.
Facilitated by Dr Kate Ferguson, this webinar opens Interrogating Europe, a seminar series on Europe and R2P co-hosted by Protection Approaches and the European Centre for the Responsibility to Protect to explore the relationships between Europe and the principle of the Responsibility to Protect (Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect (GCR2P)). The series will assess European efforts to help protect populations from mass atrocities crimes, consider if and how the principles of R2P and atrocity prevention can be applied within European borders, and interrogate the limitations of prevailing understandings of R2P that continue to guide regional responses to foreign and European crises.
Registration is open on this link.