In Between

Date of Implementation: 2016 – Ongoing
Supported by: The International Visegrad Fund and the Europe for Citizens Program of the European Union
The project “In Between? Searching for Local Histories in Borderlands of Europe” is organized by the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity and was born out of the need to experience local histories. In terms of its objectives, it is primarily an educational measure, and indirectly also a research and documentation effort. Its aim is to search for ways in which the past functions today. The project had two editions, 2016 and 2017 and was implemented in 15 regions and municipalities around Europe with participants from all around the world. During a week-long stay in one of the regions and meetings with specific families, the participants of the “In Between?” project have, in international teams, collected preliminary documentation, in order to be able to express their subjective understanding of the notion of in-between using their own voices. PCRC has been a proud partner of ‘’In Between’’, helped coordinate their 2017 activities in Mostar, BiH and took part in the final summary seminar in Berlin, Germany in December 2017.