Obični heroji

Datum objave: 11. novembar 2013.
Produkcija: CPI i Pinch Media
Prikazano na: Al Jazeera Balkans
Gledanost: 1.4 miliona gledalaca diljem zapadnog Balkana
Dokumentarna serija “Obični heroji” prikazuje stvarne životne priče bosanskih građana koji su, izabravši da spase „drugog“ postali heroji u vremenu kada se dešavao genocid u njihovoj zemlji. Svaka epizoda traje 30 minuta i dokumentuje priče spasilaca i ljudi čije su živote spasili. Ova serija pruža uvid u utjecaj koji spasilačko ponašanje ima na procese pomirenja, izgradnju mira i interkulturalno razumijevanje. Zasad, serija ima četiri epizode: “Mina i Ferid”, “Zoran i Azra”, “Jagoda i Hamdija”, i “Đorđe i Salih”.
Ordinary Heroes is a documentary series that you watch once, but continue to talk about for years. These are stories told in the first person that no one can remain indifferent to. These are the stories that flash before your eyes every time you’re facing a moral dilemma.
I was mesmerized by the movie. The entire concept is amazing. I have the feeling I would jump up and help anybody right now regardless of which group they belonged to. Only by doing things like this, and watching movies like these, can we build a normal society in which we can be friends and count on each other.
I think all of us have this inside of us. The movie shows us what kind of people we can be. This story makes me think of my grandmother who saved several families during the war and my grandfather who went to schools to sleep in order to provide space for other people.
It was very interesting to screen the movie. We received good feedback from the attendees who wish to continue taking part in and learning about peacebuilding and reconciliation initiatives.